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Living in 3(somes): The "Esoteric" Enquiries of an Eternal Enthusiast

Living in 3(somes): The "Esoteric" Enquiries of an Eternal Enthusiast

ISBN: 9549403084
Издател: Pav Publishing
Издадена: 2009
Брой страници: 232
Корица: Мекa
Език: Английски
Корична цена: 16.00 лв.
Цена: 16.00 лв.
In the year in which the debut novel Life in 3 was born, Stanimir Kiskinov won Bulgarian National Culture funding for translation of Bulgarian fiction into foreign languages. The author holds a Ph.D. in Political Science and a B.A. in Astrology. He holds dual US-Bulgarian citizenship. He teaches in the sociology department at Sofia University and through the foundation Europartners 2007. The entirety of his entire professional and emotional experience is in evidence in his literary project–including short theatrical and journalistic careers, 15 years in the Cultural Office of the US Embassy in Bulgaria, and extensive dealings in both the East-West cultural axis and the debris of love. Pax Publishing is proud to present this English version of the novel.

This book can make you dream and laugh out loud. It could also get you fined on the trolley, as you forget to punch your ticket while absorbed in its pages. It may not be to your taste, or it may leave you conflicted. But you might like it so much that you are inspired to write your own, or lend it to all your friends. It could cost you a day’s work, get you fired, or even land you a new job. It could come between you and your spouse, or it could get you married. This book has brought about all of these things–because it is a "true novel!"

"A modern-day Odysseus wanders the uncharted seas of dangerous relationships... In order not to be lured away and shipwrecked, he binds himself to the sturdy 'masts' of his ship–philosophy, political science, astrology and esoteric practices... But in his book he is eloquent and engaging. Because he is sincere–such a rare quality in today's literature."
Tzvetan Todorov, Journalist and Author

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